Why Is Rattlesnake Plant Drooping? [360 Degree Solution]

You may not like snakes, but you must like snake plants, especially rattlesnake plants. They are very popular for their intricate leaf patterns and easy-caring nature. Sometimes they are called prayer plants also.

Though rattlesnake plants are easy to plant, sometimes they may be floppy due to a lack of caring. And that makes you worried to see your rattlesnake plant drooping.

Don’t be hopeless. In this article, I am going to help you find out the reasons and give the treatment guide. These treatment guides are equally effective for the varieties of rattlesnake plants like the Zebra, Pinstripe, and Medallion plants.

Now the query is what’s the reason for rattlesnake plants drooping?

There are two types, major and minor reasons. Overwatering, Less watering, and Overexposure to sunlight are the major reasons. Again Soil condition, Humidity, Pests, and Fertilizer are partially responsible for rattlesnake plant drooping.

Optimum Requirements For Rattlesnake Plant

Light Bright indirect sunlight
Temperature 60-80°F
Soil Regular, Good quality
Humidity Moderate
Water Once a week

Common Reasons And Fixes For Rattlesnake Plant Drooping

1. Over Watering

The first wrong thing a gardener makes is giving excess water to plants. It is true that plants need water for their growth but it should be according to the plant’s demand. Right?

Over watering is a major cause of rattlesnake plant drooping. Rattlesnake plants don’t need much water. Over watering your plants can become dangerous.

When your rattlesnake plant will stay on wet soil for a long time, it must develop yellow leaves and drooping like problems.

Over watering is also a big reason for insect attacks.

Control Measure

Be aware of your plant’s water demand. Apply a trick for knowing the water demand of your rattlesnake plant.

Take one of your fingers two or three inches deep into the soil. If it’s wet then there is no need for water. You can also take a moisture meter to check the water demand level of the soil our pick: Atree 3-in-1 Soil Tester Kits with Moisture, Light, and PH Test for Garden)

Well drainage system is a must for rattlesnake plants. It is the best way to remove excess water. Make sure that your soil container has enough holes to escape the extra water. Use plastic or ceramic made containers.

2. Less Watering

Decreasing the watering level does not mean less watering. I know it’s a very confusing issue and you still have some confusion about watering rattlesnake plants.

Rattlesnake plants don’t need a huge amount of water but they obviously have a thirst for water. If you don’t give enough water to your plant for a long time, your plants must begin to droop. 

Less watering also makes your rattlesnake dry and unhealthy.

Control Measure

As rattlesnake water doesn’t need much water, then watering the plant should be plan wise. Make a plan for watering your rattlesnake plant where factors like temperature, seasons, and placement must be included. 

Water your plant when it is dry. Monitor your soil condition and water it once a week.

3. Overexposure To Sun

As Rattlesnake is a tropical plant, it has no need of direct sunlight. Therefore, it absorbs sunlight through a bright, indirect process. 

When you keep your rattlesnake plant for a long time in direct sunlight it can be floppy and begin to droop.

So, what exactly is the sign of too much sunlight on your plants? Look at your plant’s leaves carefully. If it looks floppy and turns yellow, immediate action is needed. 

Control Measure

Keep your rattlesnake plant in a place where there is indirect sunlight. It may be a little farther from the south or west side window of your house.

You can also place your plant in direct sunlight for 2-3 hours daily. However, protect your plant when temperatures exceed 80°F.

During winter and autumn, keep your rattlesnake plants in direct sunlight for some extra time. It will be beneficial for your plant.

Notice your plant very carefully. If it doesn’t show any signs of improvement even after following the steps mentioned above, then the minor reasons must be causing the drooping of your rattlesnake plant.

4. Soil Condition

Soil condition is probably a big reason for your rattlesnake plant dropping. Plants absorb water and other major nutrients from the soil. Poor soil doesn’t have much ability to hold water.

If suddenly your rattlesnake plant begins to droop, you have to check the soil condition. Waterlogged and soggy soil can make your plant dry. It also causes curly leaves and fungus attacking problems.

Control Measure

Repot your plant with better soil if the soil is not so good. The best way is to make your potting soil by yourself. I have a recipe for you.

 #Recipe: Soil Mix

Components  Steps
  • Good quality potting soil.
  • Perlite.
  • Bark mix. 
  • Mix the potting soil, perlite, and bark mix.
  • The ratio will be 50%:30%:20%
  • Blend them carefully. Then use it to repot your plant.

 You can also use ready-made soil. Well-drained soil is best for rattlesnake plants. So there must be a good drainage system in your container. You may add some sand to prevent water logging. (our pick: Miracle-Gro Indoor Potting Mix)

5. Humidity

Rattlesnake plants prefer moderate humidity. At Least a 60% humidity level is needed for your plant. Changing in Humidity may cause your rattlesnake plant to droop.

Control Measure

You can maintain the humidity of your rattlesnake plant with a tray of pebbles. Use a medium tray and place some pebbles on it. Then water it and keep your container above the pebbles.   

In this way, you can create a lot of humidity for your plant.

Is your home too dry? Then using a Humidifier can also be a good option (Our pick: AquaOasis™ Cool Mist Humidifier).

Spraying your plant with fresh water twice a week may also increase humidity. Keep doing it until the plant does not revive.

6. Pests  and Pathogen

Spider mites, fungus, and mealybugs can attack your rattlesnake plants. Pests are the most common minor causes of drooping rattlesnake plants.

Notice a tiny dot line appears in your plant? Then it must be spider mites. Spider mites are tough to see with the naked eye. When your plant is in dusty weather then spider mites may attack.

If you see a dark-colored little flier dead near your plant Then it must be fungus gnats. 

Fungus gnats can cause root rot problems in your rattlesnake plants which ultimately makes your plant droopy.

Mealybugs are white and have no wings or legs. They can be seen on rattlesnake plant leaves and make them droopy.

Control Measure

Most of the fungus attacks occur on wet soil, which is the cause of over-watering. Slowly decrease watering your rattlesnake plants.

Be aware of pests on your plant. They may be dangerous and can affect your plant very quickly. Using good insecticides may be the best option (Our Pick: Monterey LG6150 Garden Insect Spray)

don’t want to waste money? No problem. You can make it yourself. Here I give you some homemade mixtures recipes for preventing pests from your plant.

#Recipe 1:- Dormant Oil Insecticide Recipe

Components  Steps
  • 3 spoons of the liquid dish7.washer.
  • 300 ml of sunflower oil or any vegetable oil.
  • Mix all the components and store them in a glass jar.
  •  You may apply it multiple times.
  •  Add 2 spoons of the prepared liquid with every 250 ml of water and spray.

 #Recipe-2 Baking soda spray

Components  Steps
  • 1 tablespoon of Baking soda. 
  • 1 tablespoon of Vegetable oil.
  • Dish soap.
  • Water. 
  • Vinegar. 
  • Neem oil.
  • Mix the baking soda with vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of dish soap.
  • Then mix them with 1.5 liters of water.
  • Stir the mixture for at least 30 minutes.
  • Then add a small amount of vinegar and neem oil on it.
  • Spray the mixture twice a week.

Note: Sometimes homemade mixtures always have problems. If the ratio of the components differs or the steps do not follow carefully then the mixture will not work effectively. So be careful about the steps.

7. Fertilizer

To ensure smooth growth every plant needs some fertilizer with water. But Over-fertilizing can cause severe damage to your plant.

Rattlesnake plants don’t need excess fertilizer. Over-fertilizing can be dangerous for rattlesnake plants and make them droopy.

Control Measure

Fertilizing once in three months. The best quality fertilizer will ensure your plants smooth growth.

Slow-release organic fertilizer is best for rattlesnake plants. Make sure the presence of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in the fertilizer. (our pick: Miracle-Gro Indoor Plant Food)

The best way is to make compost at home. If you can do this you will have no worries about your rattlesnake plant drooping. Here I am sharing the process.

#Recipe 1: Compost Making Recipe

Components  Steps
  • A container.
  • Water.
  • Fall leaves.
  • Fruit peeling.
  • Kitchen scraps.
  • Newspapers or cardboard.
  • Eggshells
  • Paper bags etc.
  • Choose a 6-10 liter capacity container.
  • Make some tiny holes on it to circulate the oxygen.
  • Make a layer of fresh soil on the container.
  • Add all the organic scraps to it.
  • Add some newspaper or cardboard for nitrogen-carbon balancing to create a good environment for bacteria which makes the compost best.
  • Keep the mixture for one week in a shaded place and notice the moisture level.
  • After one week it will be ready to use.

Quick Care Guide For Rattlesnake Plant

  1. Don’t place your plant in an AC room or near a fireplace.
  2. Make sure of optimum light for your plants.
  3. Ensure perfect temperature for your plants in winter.
  4. Watering habits may change according to seasons.
  5. Excess fertilizer is highly restricted.
  6. Rotate the container after watering every time
  7. If a root rot problem occurs, trim the damaged roots and repot your plant.
  8. Propagate your plant in due time.
  9. Be careful about insects, they can cause severe damage to your plants.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can rattlesnake plant leaves droop after repotting?

Yes. repotting your plant only when it is needed and with the right process. If you repot your plant with the wrong method then it can droop after repotting.

Do rattlesnake plants need much fertilizer?

Rattlesnake plants can manage their nutrients from regular feedings. So they don’t need too much fertilizer. Fertilize your rattlesnake plants once in three months.


Try to understand your plant’s language and find out the reasons for your rattlesnake(Zebra, Pinstripe, and Medallion) plant drooping. It may be caused by major or minor reasons. whatever, you have to take it seriously.

Follow the treatment guide described above very carefully to make your rattlesnake plant healthy again. 

I hope you find my experience useful. Happy gardening.

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