Dieffenbachia Leaves Turning Yellow -7 Reasons & Solution

Dieffenbachias are one of the most common houseplants. Their easy management makes them very popular among plant enthusiasts. However, they are not immune to every problem. The dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow very often and need our help to restore them back to green. 

You can treat them comfortably if you know what is wrong with them. Overwatering, too much sunlight, low temperatures, nutrient deficiencies, root bound, pest infestation, and aging are the 7 most common reasons that turn the leaves of dieffenbachia yellow. 

In this article, I’ve explained every problem with their easy solutions so that you can fix your Dieffenbachias quickly before it gets any worse.

7 Reasons for Yellowing Leaves on Dieffenbachia

1. Overwatering

We know that Dieffenbachia doesn’t need much care. That also means they don’t need so much watering. So their leaves will start turning yellow if you water them more than they need. However, underwatering will not affect your dieffenbachia as much as overwatering will do. 

Control Measure

Never let your dieffenbachia waterlogged. Because along with the yellow leaves the roots will also start rotting. When you know that you’ve overwatered it then don’t water it until the soil dries out. If the pot isn’t draining water quick enough then you can consider changing the pot with enough drainage holes.

After that, water your dieffenbachia only when the topsoil has completely dried out. You can get a moisture meter to check if your plants need water or not(Our pick: Atree Soil Soil Tester Kits with Moisture, Light, and PH Test for Garden). Or you can dip your fingers into the soil up to your knuckles to feel whether the soil is moist before doing any watering.

2. Too Much Sunlight

Dieffenbachia mostly loves to grow under shade. They thrive in indirect sunlight. So, when they are exposed to sunlight for a long period of time the leaves start to turn yellow and eventually fall off. 

Control Measure

Dieffenbachias are very sensitive to sunlight. They grow pretty well indoors. So if you have put your dieffenbachias where they are getting direct sunlight, it’s time to move them away. 

If they are kept near a window that is south facing, move it a few feet back so that sunlight won’t scorch the leaves of your favorite plant.

3. Low Temperature

The Dieffenbachias grow best in temperatures ranging between 60-75° F.  They cannot tolerate really cold weather.  A sudden rise or fall of temperature can cause your plants to turn yellow and drop their leaves. Eventually, the dieffenbachias will wilt and die if they are continuously exposed to low temperatures.

Control Measure

If you are growing dieffenbachias on your porch then don’t keep them outside when the temperature goes down below 60 ° F. Under really cold temperatures your plant will start dropping the leaves first, even before they start yellowing.

Move your dieffenbachias to a warmer place where it gets bright light but not too much cold wind. Regulate the temperature inside your house to 60-75° F to help them recover from cold shock. Besides, keep them away from heaters or AC. 

4. Nutrient Deficiencies

Nutrient deficiencies will turn the leaves of your dieffenbachia yellow. Especially if it is nitrogen, then there will be more yellowing. Your plant needs a balanced dose of nutrients from time to time to stay healthy and fight various kinds of diseases.

Control Measure

Since your dieffenbachias are a foliage plant, they need a good feeding of fertilizers. Give them a good dose of the best houseplant fertilizer every 4 to 6 weeks (our pick: Miracle-Gro Indoor Plant Food). While applying, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions given on the package. After 3/4 days of applying fertilizer, the yellow leaves will start getting greener again. 

5. Root Bound

Dieffenbachias become root-bound very often. This happens if the container is too small for them. When the roots develop profusely they outgrow the container size. 

As a result, the root doesn’t get enough space in the pot to develop. and they fail to uptake their required water and nutrients. As a result, the leaves start turning yellow. Eventually, the leaves wilt and drop.

Control Measure

If your Dieffenbachia container seems too small for it then lift the plant out of the container. In the case of root bound, the roots will seem very dense and will take up the shape of the container.

After that, replant them in a larger container. Make sure to use a good potting soil mixture (Our pick: Miracle-Gro Indoor Potting Mix). Make enough drainage holes in the pot so that extra water can drain out from the pot easily. Now, wait for a few days because the yellow leaves of your plant will soon get green when the root starts to uptake water and nutrients. 

6. Pest Infestation

Aphids and mites infest houseplants very often. These sap-sucking insects take up nutrients from the leaves and as a result of their feeding, the leaves turn yellow. But the problem is, they are very small insects so they aren’t easily visible.

Keep checking the foliage of your dieffenbachia and look for webbing. Also always check the underside of the leaves as aphids infest in there and lay eggs.

Control Measure

First of all, isolate the infested plant to prevent it from spreading further infection to other plants. And get a good insecticide for your Dieffenbachias and apply it according to the manufacturer’s instructions (our pick: Garden Safe 80422 Houseplant and Garden Insect Killer)

 Try two easy to make and effective homemade recipes to ward off the insects naturally:

#Recipe 1:- Neem Oil Spray Recipe


  • 2 teaspoons of neem oil 
  • 1 liter of water 


  • Add the  ingredients together in a mixing bowl
  • Put the solution into a spray bottle
  • Spray on both sides of dieffenbachias leaves every week

#Recipe 2:- Horticultural Oil Recipe


  • 1 teaspoon of liquid and mild dishwashing soap 
  • 100 ml of any cooking oil


  • pour these ingredients into a mixing bowl and mix very well
  • Add 2 teaspoons of this mixture with every 250 ml of water 
  • Pour it into the sprayer
  • Spray on your dieffenbachia plant every week

7. Aging

Sadly all plants age eventually and start losing their beauty. Likewise, dieffenbachias also become unattractive when the time comes. This aging results in yellowing, drooping, and dropping of the leaves. 

Control Measure

This is a completely normal process of nature. So there is nothing you can do to prevent it. Yet still, you can cut back and trim the dead leaves and twigs to encourage new growth.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

1.Does overwatering affect dieffenbachia?

Yes, if you water it too much the roots will get injured. The plant will get root rot and it will slowly die.

2. Can brown or yellow leaves turn green again?

If the yellow leaves are due to watering or lighting issues then the leaves will turn green once the dieffenbachias get the right amount of water and sunlight. Diseased or insect-infested yellow leaves will not turn green.


Dieffenbachias will stay green if you provide them with some care. But before that, you need to know the root cause of the yellowing so that you don’t end up treating them wrong. 

In this article, I’ve explained all the possible reasons that can turn your dieffenbachia leaves yellow with their easy-to-follow fix. I hope you found this article informative and helpful. Here, the good news is you can follow the same process for your other house plants too.

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