7 Reasons For Pomegranate Leaves Turning Yellow-Fixed

Yellow leaves are a hint that your precious pomegranate tree is in trouble. This is especially alarming if it is just before the blooming or the fruiting period. What if it affects the quality of your pomegranate fruits?

Well, It can drastically affect the quality of your pomegranate fruits. So, you need to take immediate steps for this yellowing and provide the right treatment before it’s too late.

There are 7 reasons for Pomegranate leaves turning yellow. i.e Wrong Watering, Unfit Soil, Nutrient Imbalance, Pest Attack, Lack Of Sunlight, Transplant Shock, And Winter Damage.

Don’t worry! This article will help you to understand the problems and find out the right solutions.

So, without making any delay let’s fire away –

Causes & Solutions of Pomegranate Tree Yellow Leaves

1. Wrong Watering of Pomegranate

Young pomegranates need plenty of water to establish. But overwatering can make the leaves yellow by causing root rot. Again, If they are underwatered the leaves will start to wilt and turn yellow.

So, the bottom line is, the soil should be well-drained. Both waterlogged and dry soil will harm the trees. So, the best way to solve this problem is to check the soil with a moisture meter (Our pick: Atree Soil Soil Tester Kits with Moisture, Light, and PH Test for Garden)

Control Measure

Water once a week during early spring and late winter. During summer water is every other day in the morning hours. Do not water during the evening as it can encourage fungal diseases.

Use organic mulches or wood chips on the soil surface to keep the soil moist. But remember to keep the mulches away from the roots. 

2. Pomegranate In Unfit Soil

Pomegranates prefer slightly acidic soil. The pH range is around 5.5-7. So, when the soil pH is not within this range they can cause the leaves to turn yellow. 

Pomegranates don’t grow very well in alkaline soil. Because in alkaline soil pomegranates lack some important nutrients. And it causes the yellowing of leaves.

Control Measure

When it’s not winter and your pomegranate tree leaves are turning yellow then you need to check the soil pH with a pH meter. Since these are pretty cheap. It’s good to have one. If the soil is alkaline, apply organic compost or peat moss to lower the pH.

3. Nutrient Imbalance In Pomegranates

Overfertilization and Underfertilization both can bring yellow leaves to your pomegranate trees. 

For example, when the pomegranates lack Nitrogen the older leaves turn yellow. Again, when they get too much Nitrogen their root burns. It also causes the leaves to turn yellow. 

This thing applies to all the other important nutrients.

Control Measure

Giving the right amount of fertilizer is crucial. For good fruit production, pomegranates need enough nutrients. But remember overdose of fertilizer can kill the plant

Fertilize once in January. But here’s a thing, normal fertilizers usually contain too much nitrogen. So you need to pick a fertilizer that is not high in Nitrogen. Pick the best fruit fertilizer for Pomegranate trees. Our pick- Jobe’s Organics Fruit & Citrus Granular Fertilizer

4. Pest Problems of Pomegranate

Aphids, mealybugs, whiteflies, and spider mites can attack and cause the yellowing and curling of pomegranate leaves. All these bugs lay their eggs and suck the nutrients from the leaves. As a result, the pomegranate leaves turn yellow for a lack of nutrients.

Control Measure

Aphids and other bugs need to be killed right away. Because they can transmit other fatal diseases to the pomegranates. But you need to choose an insecticide that’s not harmful to pomegranate fruits. Take the best insecticide that is very safe for your tree (our pick: Monterey Garden Insect Spray)

Here are 3 very effective and easy homemade insecticide recipes for you:

#Recipe 1:- Neem Oil Recipe


  • 3 tablespoons of neem oil 
  • 1 gallon of water 


  • Add these together and spray twice every week on your pomegranate trees. 
  • You can apply this for both to control and prevention of aphids

#Recipe 2:- Basil Tea Recipe


  • 3 Cup of fresh basil
  • 4 teaspoons of liquid soap
  •  3 liters of water


  • Bring the water to a boil in a pot
  • Then remove the pot from the heat
  • Add the basil leaves and cover the pot.
  • Let the water cool down and then strain the leaves
  • Mix the liquid soap and put the mixture into the sprayer

#Recipe 3:- Tomato Leaf Spray Recipe

Tomato leaves have some natural insecticidal compounds that are toxic to insects but completely safe for fruits


  • 5 cups of tomato leaves 
  • 1 gallon of water 


  • Chop the tomato leaves thinly
  • Soak them overnight in a cup of water. 
  • Then strain out all the leaves 
  • Now add the rest of the water 
  • Spray on the leaves twice a week.  

Note: In the case of all homemade recipes, try a small portion of the mixture in a small leaf of your pomegranate tree. Wait out to see how it reacts before starting to apply in bulk. If it is not adjusting then dilute the solution with some more water to make a milder mixture. Then try them in a small leaf again. 

Preventive Measure

Avoid over-fertilization. Keep the soil moist because spider mites love to attack in dry soil conditions. Set sticky traps on your pomegranate trees to prevent them from attacking in bulk.

Do not apply insecticide during high temperatures or mid-afternoon. This can burn the leaves and turn them yellow instead.

5. Pomegranate’s Transplant Shock

Newly transplanted pomegranate trees go through stress due to a change of place. And this results in yellow leaves on the trees. It’s called Transplant shock.

It is very common for newly planted pomegranate trees. It takes a while for the pomegranates to adjust to new conditions. But they will soon recover if they get the right care.

Control Measure

Water your pomegranate trees immediately after transplanting. Add a layer of 2-3 inches of organic mulch around the tree’s base. But keep them away from direct contact. Protect them from cold and frost conditions. The pomegranates will take time but the yellow leaves will gradually turn green again.

6. Lack of Sunlight

Pomegranates are tropical trees. So, they need plenty of sunlight to thrive. Without enough sunlight, they can’t make enough food for themselves. As a result of the lack of food, the leaves turn yellow. 

Control Measure

Plant them in a sunny place when you transplant the seedlings. Make sure they get 6-7 hours of sunlight every day. 

If you have indoor ornamental pomegranate trees then make sure you take them outdoors every day to get some sunlight. Or place them near the window where they get sunlight.

7. Winter Damage of Pomegranate

We know Pomegranate is a deciduous tree. So, when winter starts the Pomegranate leaves turn yellow before dropping off. This is a very natural process to protect themselves from winter.

So, you don’t need to be worried. Because some care and watering will just do. And spring will bring lots of new green leaves and flowers.

Control Measure

Prune back almost half the tree before the fall. So the tree won’t have to stress much to produce more food. Water very little every 7 or 10 days during winter. In the case of ornamental potted pomegranates, bring them indoors.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do pomegranate leaves turn yellow in winter?

Pomegranates are deciduous plants so before winter the leaves start to turn yellow and fall off the tree. But when spring arrives new green leaves start to appear again.

Is the Pomegranate Tree Evergreen?

They are mainly deciduous but sometimes they can be evergreen too. But it’s very rare. They mostly shed their leaves during winter. But some of them might not. 

Do Pomegranate Trees Go Dormant?

Pomegranates do not go totally dormant during the winter like some other trees. But they do not like the cold very much so their growth and development slow during winter.


I have done my best to give you all the necessary information in the easiest way possible. I hope this article helped you deal with yellow leaves in your pomegranate trees. 

Keep having a good watering schedule, provide enough sunlight and prevent them from pests. Your pomegranates will turn green again.

If you have experienced some other conditions with your pomegranate trees we would love to hear from you in the comments. 

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