6 Reasons Why My Angelonia Plant Is Dying [Treatment]

Being a finicky plant, Angelonia is quite delicate in appearance. It is also easy to grow until you find yourself asking ‘why my Angelonia plant is dying!

Well, your summer snapdragons certainly offer the best view in your garden but sometimes gardeners notice the plants are about to die. So, what are the reasons? Let me tell you. Even though the plants are easy-growing yet the plant is tough in nature.

If you provide the plants with everything, they require then of course they will grow massive. But if not then you and your Angelonia both may face some problems.

Hence, there might be several reasons for the Angelonia plant leading to death already. The reasons include lack of light, improper watering, unsuitable weather and soil, pests, diseases, and others.

So, let’s make it easier for you by elaborating the reasons with the proper control measures.

ReasonFixing Guide
Lack of LightAllow six hours of direct sunlight
Wrong watering and soilWater once or twice a week and mulch the soil
Inappropriate fertilizingApply balanced fertilizer
DiseasesPlant resistant varieties of Angelonia
Pest attackApply pesticides
Wrong environmentEnsure favorable conditions

My Angelonia is Dying [Causes and Solution]

1. Lack of Light

If you want your Angelonia to grow well with lush foliage and blooms then the very first requirement is sunlight. The plant requires up to six hours of direct sunlight every day. Otherwise, the snapdragons will decide to die for sure.

However, the plant can tolerate partial shade in the afternoon or morning. Yet, to get the best out of the Angelonia it is important the plant is getting the light for certain hours. This amount of light is important for the plant to obtain and accumulate energy.

So, you can see that sunlight is the ultimate source of energy for Angelonia to live and thrive all the way through. Thus, ensuring a constant energy source is a must.

Again, excess sunlight can scorch Angelonia as well. If the plant remains under direct sunlight for more than ten hours then the heat will also lead the plant to death. Thus, be careful.


  • Plant getting leggy
  • Sparse blooms
  • Dying of leaves

Control Measure

  • Plant the Angelonia plant where it will get full sun and will provide energy constantly.
  • If it is potted Angelonia the pot is near a window where direct light can enter.
  • You can also plant the plant where it gets partial shade.

2. Improper Watering and Wrong Soil

Angelonia still can thrive well in drought conditions. That means it does not require much water to grow and bloom. But, no water at all! Well, that is going to play detrimentally. Lack of water can kill any plants and Angelonia is undoubtedly included.

All they need is to establish their roots first. Therefore, root establishment requires water since they uptake nutrients through water. Once the roots manage to establish themselves, they will still work in days of improper watering and even in drier soil.

Furthermore, Angelonia plants best grow in regions of moist soil. The plant prefers soil that has consistency in moisture content. If the soil becomes too dry then Angelonia can become dehydrated.

Consequently, the plant leaves will wilt and die at a point. Moreover, the leaves of the lower part become yellow and brown due to lack of water. As a result, the leaves cannot produce energy and lose their living ability.

Nonetheless, excess watering to the Angelonia acts oppositely. The roots get rotten and fail to uptake nutrients due to excess water. So, it is important to determine the soil moisture before you water any plant.


  • Wilted leaves
  • Stunted growth
  • No blooms
  •  Yellow leaves

Control Measure

  • First, dictate the moisture content in the soil with the help of a moisture meter. Then water the Angelonia according to the moisture rate.
  • You can also apply the two-finger test instead of a moisture meter to determine the dryness of the soil. If the topsoil feels dry then water the plant immediately.
  • If you are up to planting your Angelonia in a pot or container, make sure the pot is larger to accommodate enough moisture and soil to provide a healthy plant.
  • If it is raining then let the soil dry first to water the plant next.
  • Mulch the soil properly before you plant your Angelonia to have a better result.

However, your Angelonia can survive additional moisture to some extent only when you provide or create better drainage for it.

3. Inappropriate Fertilizing

Fertilizing plays a great role in the proper blooming of Angelonia. But the overabundance of application of fertilizer will act oppositely. It causes excess foliage but almost zero blooms. So, you can see the result will not be pleasant enough.

Long story short, Angelonia plants are light feeders. Hence, once you apply more than the required fertilizer it will only take care of foliage. That is why you will need to re-fertilize your plant to have blooms. That’s a lot of hassle, right?

Moreover, sometimes if there are already enough essential nutrients in the soil then fertilizing is not that necessary. However, to have beautiful foliage and blooms in the Angelonia, applying fertilizer is necessary to some extent.


  • Excess foliage
  • Damaged plant
  • No blooms
  • Dying of plant

Control Measure

  • Do not apply only or too much nitrogen-based fertilizer.
  • Better apply a balanced or slow-release fertilizer with a ratio of 10:5:10. You won’t have to fertilize again to your Angelonia.
  • There are some beneficial Angelonia plant-based fertilizers [our pick] available in the market that you can also apply.
  • You can also apply light liquid fertilizers each month to have better and more lively growth of your Angelonia.

While applying commercial fertilizer make sure to read out the instructions and follow them accordingly. Remember that overfeeding the Angelonia is more dangerous than underfeeding it. Overfed with fertilizer kills them in no time.

4. Diseases of Angelonia

Angelonia is quite resistant to diseases but still, diseases can take place. Adding to this, recently a new disease has been exhibited in this plant. The disease is known as Angelonia flower mottle. It is a virus function. Generally, Carmovirus is responsible for this.

This disease is mainly destructive to the Angelonia flowers. Moreover, Angelonia Flower Break Virus (AnFB) is also a disease of Angelonia. Surprisingly, no insects are responsible for this disease. This virus takes place through the propagation of stock plants that are already infected.

Moreover, the virus also transmits in plant sap and causes internal damage to the Angelonia. Again, the disease causes streaks on the petals of flowers.


  • Streaks on blooms
  • Damaged foliage
  • Slow growth of the plant
  • Chlorotic spots on leaves
  • Falling of flowers and foliage

Control Measure

  • Well, till now there is no cure for treating this virus on Angelonia. Thus, remove the infected parts of the plant and discard them.
  • Plant quality stock plants for the propagation of Angelonia.
  • Also, use resistant varieties of Angelonia to get rid of these diseases.

5. Pest Attack of Angelonia

Among all pests, aphids are remarkably worth mentioning for attacking your summer snapdragon. Especially when the plant is in its initial stage of the growing season. In this stage, Angelonia grows quickly. This time aphids find their way to the plant and live on the leaf surface.

They eat up the leaves and slow down the growth of the pant. Consequently, Angelonia dies. Again, warm and humid weather is suitable for the attack of aphids on the plant.

Moreover, spider mites are also considered dangerous pests for Angelonia. The pests come in various colors and live on the plant sap. So, these plant-sucking pests are prone to attack your angel face Angelonia.


Control Measure

  • Blow a stream of water over the leaf surface where the aphids have taken place.
  • Handpick the insects and kill them.
  • Call for environmentally beneficial insects and birds to eat up the spider mites, aphids, and other insects.
  • You can also go for pesticide to treat the pest problems in your Angelonia.
  • However, homemade recipes are way helpful

# Apply insect soap with mist over the pests. Spray the solution twice a week to get rid of the pests.

# Again, you can plant some plants like chive, garlic, save, oregano, onions, or other plants that can produce a strong scent. The smell of these plants deter these pests, especially aphids.

# Also, you can use dormant oil to eradicate aphids from the leaf surface.

6. Unsuitable Environment and Weather

Suitable environment and weather matter a lot for your Angelonia to grow well. Otherwise, it will show symptoms of dying in no time. To talk about the humidity and temperature, sweltering temperatures along with high humidity favors the thriving of Angelonia.

They need to be planted in the south since the south offers them sufficient heat and humidity for their growth. Planting them the opposite of the south might be killing since there won’t be proper heat of sun or humidity.

Again, to talk about the proper soil, Angelonia prefers soil with a pH of 5.5 to 6.2. The plant cannot grow in clay soil. Again, soil that is not well-drained or has sufficient organic matter will not work well for the Angelonia plant.


  • Wilting of leaves
  • Browning of plant
  • Dropping of flowers and leaves
  •  Stopped growth rate

Control Measure

  • Plant your Angelonia in the most southern place of your garden to provide them with proper heat in summer.
  • Make sure to prepare the soil rich in organic matter for the successful growth of Angelonia.
  • Prepare raised containers or beds for planting the Angelonia plants.
  • Especially, if the soil is heavy clay, then amend it by preparing raised beds.
  • Try to plant your Angelonia in the USDA hardiness zones of 9 to 11.

Optimum Requirement for Angelonia

Soil pH5.5-6.2 (acidic)
Hardiness zone9 to 11 (USDA)
WaterOnce or twice a week
Growth18-inch tall and 18-inch spread


How do I save my Angelonia plant?

The only way to save your Angelonia plant is to make it take proper care of it from the very beginning. First, try to plant it in the right place and soil. Then ensure its proper watering, fertilizing, and intercultural operations.

Should Angelonia be cut back?

Well, sometimes in midsummer the Angelonia begins to sprawl. If this situation occurs them cutting back the plant by up to half of its height has proven to be the right decision.

How long do Angelonia plants last?

Angelonia plants are bushy and evergreen. They bloom for a long period in summer. In temperate climate, they bloom for about 4 to 6 weeks.

Final Words

So, now you are acknowledged enough and know the answer to the question of why your Angelonia is dying. Well, the reasons are very common and that is why they are easy to unsee. But to revive your beautiful angel-like Angelonia it is important to take great care of it.

Ensuring a suitable environment for the plant is the toughest thing but it solves ninety-nine percent of Angelonia plant problems.

Thus, help yourself and your Angelonia plants by following our guidelines, and don’t let them die. This plant deserves to live well. Also, throw your feedback so that we can assess how helpful the article was for you.

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