Brown patches are truly a mess for beautiful lawns & unfortunately it doesn’t go away on its own.
It damages your lawns severely. But don’t worry, you need just a powerful fungicide to get rid of the brown patches. But all the lawn fungicides are not effective.
But the question is- What kind of fungicide is to use on the lawn for a brown patch?
In Short, an organic or inorganic type of fungicide that contains Azoxystrobin, Propiconazole, Myclobutanil, etc as an Active ingredient
Good news- after plenty of research I have come up with the 7 best fungicides for brown patches that can work perfectly on Tall fescue, Rye, Kentucky Blue, St. Augustine, Centipede, Bahia, Zoysia, Carpet, Bermuda to control and prevent brown patches.
So, to choose the right one, check out my reviews.
Best Fungicide For Brown Patch- Comparisons
Fungicide | Active Ingredient | Form | Type | Price |
Scotts DiseaseEx Lawn Fungicide | Azoxystrobin | Granular | Synthetic | |
BioAdvanced Fungus Control for Lawns | Propiconazole | Ready-To-Spray | Synthetic | |
BioAdvanced Fungus Control Fungicide | Propiconazole | Granular | Synthetic | |
Spectracide Immunox Fungicide Spray | Myclobutanil | Concentration | Synthetic | |
Quali pro Propiconazole Fungicide | Propiconazole | Concentration | Synthetic | |
Dow AgroSciences Eagle Fungicide | Myclobutanil | Concentration | Synthetic | |
Fertilome F-Stop Lawn and Garden Fungicide | Myclobutanil | Ready-To-Spray | Synthetic |
Best Fungicide For Brown Patch- Reviews
1.Scotts DiseaseEx Lawn Fungicide

My first recommendation for you is Scotts DiseaseEx Lawn fungicide. Obviously, there are some reasons why I am recommending this granular fungicide. Let’s check out why-
Active Ingredients
0.31% Azoxystrobin is here to guard your lawn. It is considered the best component because it hinders the mitochondrial respiration of fungi.
It is a systemic fungicide for brown patches which means it provides both preventive & curative measures. Wondering how?
Well, it gets absorbed or uptaken through roots. Thus it inhibits new growth & germination of existing fungi inside & defends from a new fungal attack.
Scotts DiseasseEx fungicide undoubtedly offers the best deals. Such as-
It is a broad-spectrum fungicide. Along with brown patches, it offers control over a wide range of pathogens. And that explains how it controls 26 common diseases of your lawn. It is effective against brown patches, large patches, leaf spots, leaf rust, blight, fusarium patches & 20 more.
In case you are thinking about side effects, it is animal & pet-friendly.
Most pleasant part-
It is a fast-acting nature fungicide. It will start working within 24 hours & one application will protect your lawn for up to 4 weeks.
Applying Method
If you use a spreader, the exact dose is 4 pounds per 1000 sq ft of your lawn. Check on the packet label for more details.
2.BioAdvanced Effective Fungicide with Disease Prevention Fungus Control for Lawns

Bioadvanced is widely recognized for its science-based formulas. Over the years, they have gained the user’s faith through their effective products. Let me tell you the potentiality of this fungicide-
Active Ingredients
The active ingredient is 2.42% Propiconazole. It is best known for its growth-inhibiting functions.
You know, brown patches are caused by Rhizoctonia solani fungus. Propiconazole inhibits the cell wall formation of the fungus by its systemic action.
Good news- the systemic nature makes the fungicide rainproof & enables it to act both as preventive & curative.
It is also a broad-spectrum fungicide that is effective against several diseases like brown patch, dollar spot, rust, summer patch, anthracnose, red thread, etc.
You can consider it the best liquid fungicide for brown patches. Care to know why?
Because of its 3-way action. It ensures the death of existing fungi inside, creates a protective barrier on the outside of your lawn grasses & protects from inside up to 1 month.
And lastly, you may be happy to know that, with one bottle of Bioadvanced fungicide, you can treat up to 5000 sq ft of your lawn.
Applying Method
It is a ready-to-spray fungicide. All you have to do is attach a hosepipe & spray. But wait- don’t forget to shake well before spraying.
3.BioAdvanced Fungus Control Fungicide Cures and Prevents Lawn Diseases

I have come up with another Bioadvanced product for you. It is the granular version of the previous one.
Active Ingredients
The fungicide contains 0.51% Propiconazole as the active ingredient. You already know how Propiconazole works, right? But more specifically, propiconazole prevents ergosterol synthesis in fungi. Lack of ergosterol eventually destroys fungi.
This granular form of fungicide is easy to spread. But you must water properly after applying the fungicide. Let me tell you why-
Water leads the granules to the root zone & makes them fit to uptake.
Normally, grasses uptake the fungicide by roots or blades. And thus from the inside, it protects your lawn from brown patches.
Like the liquid version, it is effective against several lawn diseases like Anthracnose, Brown Patch, Dollar Spot, Fusarium Patch, Gray Leaf Spot, Powdery Mildew, Rusts, etc.
Its 3-way action & month-long protection makes it the ideal granular fungicide for brown patches.
The fungicide is best efficient for the prevention of brown patches. But its systemic action ensures cure too.
Applying Method
To prevent brown patches, spread the fungicide after every 21-30 days. The dose is 2 lbs/1000 sq. ft.
4. Spectracide Immunox Multi-Purpose Fungicide Spray

“Multi-purpose”- a tagline that is hard to ignore. If you are looking for a reliable fungicide for your lawns, flowers & shrubs, then it is definitely for you.
Active Ingredients
This inorganic Fungicide ensures the presence of Myclobutanil(1.55%).
Count Myclobutanil as a killer machine. Its mode of action is systemic. Once the fungicide gets absorbed, Myclobutanil interferes with the enzyme that causes fungi to produce Ergosterol. And the result?
The cell membrane of a brown patch fungus breaks down and leads to a clean kill.
Moreover, internally it can protect your lawn for up to 2 weeks.
The bottom line – As it works internally, it is both preventive & curative against brown patches.
This multipurpose fungicide can cover almost your whole garden. Hard to believe? But it is true.
It can protect your lawn, vegetables, fruits, & ornamentals from a wide range of diseases like brown patches, Dollar spot, Leaf spot, Crown rot, Leaf smuts, Summer patch, powdery mildew, black spot, rust, blight, etc.
Good news- It is rainproof because it gets absorbed inside of your grasses.
Applying Method
For 500 sq. ft. of your lawn, mix 14 tablespoons of concentrated fungicide with 1 gallon of water & spray thoroughly after every 7-14 days.
5.Quali pro Propiconazole Fungicide

Do you want to get a complete fungal solution for both warm & cool-season grasses of your lawn? Let me introduce you to the powerful fungicide from Quali Pro Brand.
Active Ingredient
Propiconazole is a widely used ingredient to get rid of brown patch fungus of lawn. This fungicide contains 14.3% of it.
You know, Propiconazole is a group 3 fungicide means it is a demethylation inhibitor. Propiconazole inhibits Ergosterol synthesis which eventually kills fungi.
It is a magic formula to treat brown patches on your lawn. Let me explain why-
First & foremost, its systemic action can prevent & cure brown patches. Secondly, it is an emulsifiable concentration. It ensures accurate & uniform distribution of active ingredients over the grasses.
Undoubtedly, such a strong configuration is the reason why it is one of the best lawn fungicides for brown patches.
Propiconazole 14.3 is a broad spectrum fungicide. It covers a great variety of lawn & ornamental diseases such as Brown Patch, Dollar Spot, Rusts, Gray Leaf Spot, Summer Patch, Zoysia Patch, Anthracnose, Powdery Mildew & so on.
It will take care of both cool & warm-season grasses of your lawn.
So the sum is- Propiconazole offers a long-lasting uniform treatment for your lawn.
Now tell me what else you need!
Applying Method
For 1000 sq. ft. of your lawn, the mixing ratio is 2 tablespoons/gallon of water. Use a sprayer or other devices for thorough spraying. Find more on the packet label.
6.Dow AgroSciences Eagle Fungicide

Eagle 20EW is a specialty Lawn fungicide. Along with lawn, it provides stable control of other garden plant diseases. Let’s know more-
Active Ingredient
Eagle fungicide is a group 3 fungicide as it uses 19.7% Myclobutanil as the active ingredient. Myclobutanil works as an Ergosterol synthesis inhibitor & reduces fungal spreading.
It is a protectant & curative fungicide with a systemic nature. It takes care inside out of your lawn grasses.
Do you know the best part? It contains petroleum distillates which ensure lesser evaporation, rain resistance, and reduced runoff of the fungicide simultaneously.
So applying Dow AgroSciences Eagle Fungicide to your lawn can be a perfect treatment for brown patch fungus, right?
This fungicide has been manufactured to protect your turfgrasses, landscape & nursery ornamentals, greenhouse & several fruiting trees.
Its wall-to-wall protection of up to 28 days can save you time and relieve you from tension.
Do you know why it is so appraised? Because it saves your lawn grasses & ornamentals from more than 15 fungal diseases like Brown Patch, Anthracnose, Dollar Spot, Crown Rot, Blight, Powdery Mildew & many more.
From this point of view, it is a complete package for your garden.
Applying Method
Mix 1.2 fluid ounces of Eagle fungicide with 1 gallon of water. Shake thoroughly & go for 1000 sq. ft. of lawn. If necessary, apply again after 14 days.
7.Fertilome F-Stop Lawn and Garden Fungicide
Plenty of users have found it helpful to defend brown patches on their lawn. Many of them are happy with the packaging. Now it is your turn to give it a look.
Active Ingredient
Fertilome F-Stop Lawn & Garden Fungicide depends upon 1% Myclobutanil for your brown ring patches.
As you know, Myclobutalin interferes with the cell membrane integrity of the fungal body. Its systemic action kills the fungus, protects your lawn from new fungal attacks & guards from inside.
This inorganic ready-to-spray fungicide is worth a try because of its wide coverage of diseases. Let’s know what else it has-
The fungicide offers protection against several diseases of lawns, flowers, shrubs, fruits & vegetables.
You can use it to save your lawn from Brown Patches, Crown Rot, Powdery Mildew, Septoria Leaf Spots, Rust, Summer Patches, Dollar Spots, Red Thread, Melting Out, Anthracnose, Copper Spots, Necrotic Ring Spot & many more.
Good news- The manufacturer company guarantees a total rainproof facility in 2 hours after application.
Applying Method
The ready-to-spray facility definitely reduces your job. Just shake well and spray thoroughly to your lawn.
One quart is enough for 1500 sq. ft. of lawn. The next due date is after 2-4 weeks. Until then, relax.
Brown Patches of Lawn

Do you want to know why lawns are so eye-catching? It is because of their color uniformity. Single or multi-shaded green lawn soothes your mind intensely. That’s why when brown or large patches cause discoloration, it bugs you the most.
Brown Patch vs Large Patch
Both patches showcase the same sort of symptoms but still are separated in some points.
Firstly, they are induced by different strains of fungus- Rhizoctonia solani.
Secondly, Cool-season grasses like Tall fescue, Ryegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, etc are susceptible to brown patches.
And warm-season grasses like St. Augustinegrass, Centipedegrass, Bahiagrass, Zoysiagrass, Carpetgrass, Bermudagrass, etc are inclined to large patches.
Favorable Conditions
Rhizoctonia solani gets an invitation whenever the grasses remain wet for a long period with the daytime temperature above 26-degree celsius & nighttime temperature around 18 degrees celsius
Dead or dying or drying grasses making circular brown or grayish shapes. Often surrounding green grasses give it sunken exposure.
Prevention is the best solution for any fungal disease. Along with using a proper fungicide, you can also take some easy-to-do measures to avoid brown patches. such as-
- Keep your garden & garden tools clean
- Water your lawn properly
- Avoid over nitrogen providing
- Mow your lawn frequently
- Ensure proper drainage
These are some easy tasks that will keep the fungus away from your lawn.
When To Apply Fungicide For Brown Patch?

Before I give you the exact answer, one thing should be clear. That is- fungicides are best for preventive measures.
Now come to the point. You already know, there are two types of lawn grasses. Warm-season grasses & cool-season grasses.
The growing season for warm-season grasses is late spring to early fall, roughly May to September. And for Cool-season grasses is mid-spring to late fall, roughly April to November.
According to several pieces of research, late spring or early summer, roughly May-June is the best time to apply a fungicide for brown patches as a preventive measure.
Best Time To Apply Fungicide For Brown Patch?
According to several scientific research, the best time for fungicide Applying is early in the morning. Wonder why?
The morning dews help the fungicide to distribute evenly all over your lawn.
Homemade Fungicide For Lawn Brown Patch

Neem oil
Here it is if you are looking for the best organic fungicide for brown patches.
Neem oil acts both as a fungicide & insecticide. So, it will cure your fungus problem & won’t let insects transmit fungus too. The easy formula is-
Dilute 4 tablespoons of neem oil in 1 gallon of water. It will cover 500 sq. ft. of your lawn quickly.
Baking Soda
As cheap homemade measures, you can give baking soda a shot to cure your lawn brown patches. Baking soda disrupts fungal cells and reduces their spreading & germination.
Moreover, baking soda creates an alkaline situation, which is a faster way to catch brown patch fungus.
So here is the formula for you-
Items required-
- 1-gallon clean water.
- 1 tablespoon baking soda.
- 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.
- 2 drops of dishwashing liquid soap.
Just mix them properly & spray them on your lawn thoroughly. It should be enough for 500 sq. ft. of lawn.
Cornmeal can be the perfect natural fungicide for brown patches. It will inhibit fungal spore germination to protect your lawn.
And for the best result, add 20 pounds of cornmeal per 1,000 square feet of lawn.
Apart from their uniform serene view, lawns add glazes to your home. At some point, it reflects you. It tells your neighbors how neat you are. That is why fungal diseases like lawn brown patches are so unwished for.
I wish you never met with those lawn wreckers & that’s why I have reviewed the best fungicides for brown patch.
Hopefully, my picks make your lawn management a little easier.
All the very best.