In gardening, several issues may arise. Sometimes you may have time to research about it & sometimes, all you need is “Quick action.”
In the case of Crepe Myrtle, let’s say it is under fungal attack. Then you don’t really have much time to roam around the internet searching for how to get rid of fungus on Crepe Myrtle. This is the time when you pick an ideal fungicide, mix it up (unless it’s ready to spray) & spray it on your plant.
Well, mixing & spraying is your job but before that, let me introduce you to a couple of the best fungicides that you can get for your Crepe Myrtle.
This article will provide everything you need to know to pick the best one. Hopefully, my research will help you take quick action. Let’s start-
Top 7 Fungicide For Crepe Myrtle- Comparisons
Fungicide | Active Ingredient | Form | Type | Price |
Bonide Copper Fungicide | Copper Octanoate | Concentrate | Organic | |
Spectracide Immunox Fungicide | Myclobutanil | Concentrate | Synthetic | |
Bonide Infuse Systemic Fungicide | Propiconazole | Concentrate | Synthetic | |
Garden Safe Brand Fungicide | Clarified Hydrophobic Extract of Neem Oil | Ready-To-Use | Organic | |
BioAdvanced Disease Control | Tebuconazole | Concentrate | Synthetic | |
Grower’s Ally Fungicide | Citric Acid | Concentrate | Organic | |
Daconil Fungicide | Chlorothalonil | Concentrate | Organic |
Top 7 Fungicide For Crepe Myrtle- Reviews
1. Bonide Copper Fungicide

From 1926 to today, “Bonide” has gone through numerous changes but one thing has remained constant- 100% high-quality product. The Copper Fungicide is no different than that. In fact, it is one of the most well-received products in their catalog.
Active Ingredient
You may have figured out the active ingredient already. Yes, it uses 10% Copper, more accurately Copper Octanoate. The remaining 90% is the “other ingredient” that promotes the Copper Soap to perform at its fullest.
Mode of Action
Copper derivatives work as contact fungicides in the pest control industry. The copper octanoate of this fungicide is a blue colored liquid with an acidic odor. It is a naturally occurring chemical that protects your Crepe Myrtle from the outside.
Contact fungicides are more of a preventive control than curative. After application, if any fungus comes into contact with the chemical, it will eventually die.
Striking Properties
Since the fungicide utilizes a natural product, you can use it for organic gardening. So, along with Crepe Myrtles, don’t hesitate to apply on your edibles like vegetables & fruits.
Interestingly, this product is suitable for on average 40 types of vegetables, fruits & flowers each. Additionally, it is a perfect product for your lawn, turf & even hydroponic cultivation too.
Furthermore, Bonide copper fungicide protects your plants from powdery mildew, downy mildew, early blight, black spot, peach leaf curl, rust, and many other listed diseases. And the good thing is, it is not only effective for established plants. It is fit for the dormant & growing stages too.
Why for Crepe Myrtle
A typical question of Crepe Myrtle growers is- how to treat powdery mildew fungus on Crepe Myrtle? The good thing is, powdery mildew fungus is not a systemic one & therefore, contact copper fungicides like Bonide can control & prevent it entirely by obstructing the cell membrane & internal enzyme activity.
Applying Procedure
Add 1.08 fl. ozs of this product into 1 gallon of water & mix properly. Apply every 7-10 days. It will check the Powdery Mildew for sure.
2. Spectracide Immunox Multi-purpose Fungicide

I was thinking about why this item is a multi-purpose fungicide & found that it is because of the product’s mode of action (MoA). But before that, let’s talk about the active ingredient because it commands the MoA of a fungicide.
Active Ingredient
1.55% “Myclobutanil” is the fuel of the multi-purpose Fungicide. So, what is Myclobutanil? It is a triazole chemical that can alter the function of Ergosterol.
To add, Ergosterol is a prominent cell membrane sterol of fungi & any kind of imbalance of Ergosterol may result in cell damage, suspended reproduction & thereby elimination.
Mode of Action
Myclobutanil is a systemic fungicide & therefore, Immunox is also a systemic item. The specialty of this systemic MoA defines the reason being a multi-purpose fungicide.
Unlike contact pesticides, systemic ones get absorbed into the cell tissue, move within the nutrient & water transfer system & ensure 100% security for inside & outside infestation of fungi.
So, you can see that this fungicide acts both as a preventive & curative chemical against fungal disease. No wonder it is a multi-purpose fungicide!
Striking Properties
First of all, the fungicide will surprise you with a huge coverage ability. It can deal with major diseases of nearly 40 types of vegetables, berries, nuts, roses & other ornamentals & lawns.
Secondly, Immunox can prevent & cure brown patches, powdery mildew, black spot, rust, blights, leaf spot, mold, scabs, and many more.
Thirdly, the item is rainproof. That means, once dried, no amount of rain can wash it off. The good news is, after the application of fungicide, its effect would remain for the next 14 days.
Why for Crepe Myrtle
Early Tip Blight & Cercospora Leaf Spot of Crepe Myrtles are frequent but quite bad for them. As both of these fungi are systemic., Myclobutanil seems to have the perfect management approach against these diseases.
Applying Procedure
Apply properly every 14 days using 1 fl. Oz per gallon of water mixing ratio.
3. Bonide Infuse Systemic Fungicide
Bonide has been working locally since 1926. Thenceforth, its premium quality products like Infuse Systemic Fungicide & user-friendly deals have made it truly admired & now Bonide has turned into an international brand since 2019.
Active Ingredient
Propiconazole is one of the most leading chemicals in the triazole fungicide group & this item contains 1.55% of it. DMI fungicide or DeMethylation Inhibiting fungicide is another name of Propiconazole & from this name, it is easy to figure out how it works.
The formation of Ergosterol is an extensive event for fungi cell growth & reproduction. If Ergosterol does not get incorporated into the cell membrane, it can kill the fungi by stopping cellular growth.
But before the formation of Ergosterol, there is an important step called demethylation & Ergosterol formation won’t take place without this precursor step.
However, an enzyme called 14- alpha demethylase works as the demethylating agent. And guess what? Our active ingredient Propiconazole inhibits the enzyme from doing its job & thus affects fungal growth & reproduction.
Mode of Action
You already know about it. It is a systemic fungicide. It has both preventive & curative characters to protect your Crepe Myrtle for up to 4 weeks.
So, no matter what type of fungus attacks your crepe Myrtle, systemic or contact, Bonide Infuse can kill both types of pathogen.
Striking Properties
Bonide Infuse is a yellowish liquid that prevents & cures an array of fungal diseases of flowers, lawns, trees, shrubs, bearing & non-bearing fruit & nut trees.
To name a few- powdery mildew, rust, black spot, leaf blight, brown patch, dollar spot, necrotic ring spot, scab, anthracnose, brown rot, etc. Additionally, it won’t get washed away after drying because it gets absorbed into the plant tissue.
Why for Crepe Myrtle
I have found two remarkable benefits of this product. The first one is, it can cure & prevent powdery mildew of Crepe Myrtle very efficiently & the second one is it can improve the color of the plant.
Applying Procedure
Mix 3 tablespoons per gallon of water & apply every 21 days.
4. Garden Safe Brand Fungicide

Seth Godin, a famous American author, once said, “Do not find customers for your products, find products for your customers.” I think the Garden Safe brand has understood it correctly. How?
Well, look at this product. It is a 3 in 1 type fungicide, a fungicide type that is currently at the peak of the market demand.
Active Ingredient
0.9% Clarified Hydrophobic Extract of Neem Oil is in charge of this pest control product. What it does is coat the body of the pathogen from outside, creates suffocation & leads to death. What a simple yet effective way to protect our plants like Crepe Myrtle!
Mode of Action
Clarified Hydrophobic Extract of Neem Oil is a contact fungicide. That means it will only be effective on the spot where it is sprayed, won’t get absorbed to cure internal fungal spread & will be acting as a preventive measure, not curative.
Therefore, you would get way better results if you apply this on your Crepe Myrtle before even the fungus comes or just after the symptoms break out.
Striking Properties
Well, the first point should be the “3 in 1” property. Neem extract is the best known natural source for fungicidal, insecticidal & miticidal properties. Thereby, you get 3 garden products in 1 bottle. Plus, it is 100% approved for organic gardening.
Secondly, it is suitable for flowers like Crepe Myrtles, roses, ornamental trees, shrubs & houseplants. I always prefer using organic fungicides in my edibles like fruits & vegetables & it is fit for that too.
Thirdly, as a fungicide, this product prevents black spots, rust, powdery mildew, anthracnose, scab, etc. And as insecticide & miticide, it can kill soft-bodied insects like aphids, whiteflies, scales, budworms, spider mites, etc.
Why for Crepe Myrtle
A famous fungal disease of Crepe Myrtle is Sooty mold. The symptom is a wholly covered leaf with a black spot. Interestingly, this fungicide can prevent both the fungus & the insects (aphids, whiteflies) responsible for it.
Additionally, it is also effective against powdery mildew & Cercospora leaf spot of Crepe Myrtle.
Applying Procedure
It is a ready-to-spray fungicide. Just shake well & spray every 7-14 days.
5. BioAdvanced Disease Control For Roses, Flowers & Shrubs
I don’t have to introduce you to “BioAdvanced,” right? “BioAdvanced- Science-Based Solutions”- the name says it all. Like every other BioAdvanced product, this disease control is also a perfect blend of research & innovation. More details-
Active Ingredient
The fungicide depends on 2.9% Tebuconazole for an efficacious defense against fungi & the rest (97.1%) of it is inert ingredients that work for Tebuconazole to ensure better action.
About Tebuconazole, it is also a triazole fungicide that operates as a demethylation inhibiting agent. It hinders the demethylation process for Ergosterol synthesis & which channels to suppress cell membrane growth & gradual death of respective fungi.
Mode of Action
The fungicide possesses a systemic mode of action. So, when you spray the fungicide, first of all, it comes into contact with any fungal spore that resides on the leaf surface & destroys it.
Secondly, the chemical takes some time to get swallowed into the tissue & then starts meddling with any fungal spore or fungal body that dwells within the plant cell.
And finally, it prevents any further fungal attack from the surface & inside.
Striking Properties
The fungicide can be the best choice for your flowers including, Crepe Myrtle, roses, azaleas, camellias, rhododendrons, boxwood, ground cover, vines, shrubs, and many more.
Furthermore, it cures & prevents the most damaging fungal diseases of flowers including, flower blight, leaf spot, petal blight, powdery mildew, anthracnose, rust, black spot & several others.
Additionally, BioAdvanced provides rainproof protection due to its systemic mode of action & it lasts for up to two weeks.
Why for Crepe Myrtle
I can give you three reasons to get this product for your Crepe Myrtle. Firstly, spring-summer-fall, you can use it any time of the year on your plant. Environmental factors don’t really affect its action much.
Secondly, it can prevent & cure two major diseases, powdery mildew & cercospora leaf spot of Crepe Myrtle. & thirdly, BioAdvanced scientific formula not only cures the damage but also restores the external beauty of your plant.
Applying Procedure
Mix 1.5 tablespoons per gallon of water & spray thoroughly.
6. Grower’s Ally Fungicide Concentrate

Grower’s Ally is undoubtedly the most eco-friendly item on my list. It is not only OMRI approved for organic use but also a FIFRA 25(b) exempted product. FIFRA 25(b) is a federal act & it declares that Grower’s Ally is safe for people & the environment. However, moving forward-
Active Ingredient
The chemical components are water, lactose, sodium acetate, sodium benzoate (> 10%), potassium sorbate (> 10%), ethyl lactate (> 3%) & Citric acid. Among these, Citric acid (1.07%) is the active ingredient. The remains boost up the action of Citric acid.
Now, Citric acid destroys fungi in several ways. Due to Citric acid’s low pH, the cell pH of fungi also gets lowered. Thus metabolic functions get suspended & cause death.
Another way is, Citric acid accumulates toxic ions that cause cell membrane disruption & death. And sometimes, fungi lose a lot of energy to balance the pH imbalance caused by the Citric acid & walk to death.
Mode of Action
Citric acid works as a contact fungicide. When it is applied, it comes into contact with the surface dwellers & kills them. Rather than getting absorbed, the chemical builds a shielding wall on the leaf surface that hinders fungus growth & spreading.
But, if the fungus is systemic & causes damage from inside, this item may not prevent it successfully. That’s why Growers Ally is trustworthy for preventive purposes.
Striking Properties
The fungicide is a yellowish acidic liquid that aids in growing healthier cannabis and hemp. It is very effective against powdery mildew.
Additionally, its controlled toxicity & zero pollutant nature enables it to apply even on the harvest day of edibles. Another plus point is, the fungicide is 100% Bee safe. So, don’t worry about the pollinators.
Why for Crepe Myrtle
Firstly, it prevents & controls powdery mildew very effectively & secondly, its anti-fungal feature also lessens bacterial growth and thus, prevents several other diseases.
Applying Procedure
For preventive measures, apply every 7 days maintaining a 1.2% mix rate. Follow the same rate, but apply every 3-5 days for control measures.
7. Daconil Fungicide Concentrate
I am fulfilling my list with another splendid product from the GardenTech brand. The first thing that caught my attention was, a 16 Oz Daconil Fungicide Concentrate can make up to 64 gallons of diluted spray. Damn! The active ingredient must be strong.
Active Ingredient
The fungicide contains 29.6% Chlorothalonil & it also works as the active ingredient. Well, no wonder it goes for 64 gallons with such a high percentage of the active ingredient.
However, Chlorothalonil is a broad-spectrum organic fungicide that hinders the enzyme system of fungus & causes cell membrane disruption & death.
Mode of Action
Normally, fungicides that ensure rainproof protection are systemic. But this time, Daconil has proven it wrong.
The active ingredient works on a contact mode of action. After spraying, Chlorothalonil kills fungal spores or bodies on the leaf surface & creates a protective barrier against fungi to defend further fungal development & growth.
And about the rainproof feature, Daconil contributes an excellent built-in surfactant system that can surpass heavy rain or watering. And thus, the surfactant provides residual control for 2 to 3 weeks when used at advised rates.
Striking Properties
GardenTech has generated a 3- way formula for this product. Daconil controls stops & prevents nearly 75 fungal diseases of flowers, vegetables, shrubs, fruits & shade trees.
And a glimpse of 75 diseases- Blight, Anthracnose, Fusarium Wilt, Mold, Powdery Mildew, Rust, Leaf Spot, etc.
Why for Crepe Myrtle
Crepe Myrtle would love this product because it can prevent & control two major diseases of it, Powdery Mildew & Early Cercospora Leaf Spot.
Plus, Chlorothalonil is a proven highly effective fungicide for Crepe Myrtle. Thereby, you can easily go for it.
Applying Procedure
Mix 3 tablespoons of fungicide with 1 gallon of water & spray every 2-3 weeks.
Home Remedy For Crepe Myrtle Fungus

So far, all I have suggested are liquid fungicides. Now, let me give you a miracle fungicide of dust formulation that can defend against the major diseases of Crepe Myrtle.
Recipe: Miracle DIY Fungicide for Crepe Myrtle
- Cinnamon
- Cloves
- Turmeric powder
- Wood charcoal
Formulation Procedure:
Take 1 part of each ingredient & grind them properly in a grinder or blender to make a dust formulation.
Applying Procedure:
Take some of the dust in a porous cloth, cover it properly & then shake over the leaves. That’s all. The only drawback is, rain & watering can easily wash off the fungicide. Therefore, choose the right time to apply for it.
Final Words
After all these, I can tell you two particular points if you ask why my listed fungicides are best for Crepe Myrtles?
Firstly, these products carry precise active ingredients for Crepe Myrtles, such as Copper Octanoate, Myclobutanil, Propiconazole, Neem oil, Chlorothalonil, etc. & secondly, they have been dominating the market for a long time.
However, I have narrowed my list to the 7 best fungicides for Crepe Myrtles from 11 competitive ones & believe me, it was hard. Now, it’s your turn to make the perfect purchase & start the treatment as early as possible. Thanks for stopping by.