5 Reasons Why Lavender Leaves Turn Yellow [Treatment]

The colorful blooms of the lavenders are a delight to see. But unfortunately, their foliage becomes yellow in particular conditions. The yellow leaves not only make the plant look ugly but also reduce the number of blooms drastically.

So, You need to start working on them as soon as you see the lavender leaves turning yellow. You see, lavenders are native to the Mediterranean region. In order to keep them healthy, you need to give them the same environment.  But without knowing the reasons behind this yellowing you won’t be able to take the right measures.

So, why are the leaves of lavender turning yellow?

The 5 most common reasons for the lavenders turning yellow are, overwatering, too much nitrogen, unsuited soil, high humidity, and fungal disease.

Don’t worry about what to do because we’ve got you covered. Keep reading to find out why your lavender leaves are turning yellow and how to get rid of this problem.

Why Are The Lavender Leaves Turning Yellow?

1. Overwatering Of Lavender

Overwatering is one of the most common reasons that can turn your lavender leaves yellow and make them wilt. The foliage can sometimes turn brown too. You see, underwatering is not the issue here because lavenders are pretty much drought tolerant and they require very little water.

Control Measure 

Lavenders typically don’t need regular watering. So, water them just the amount they need during the hot summers. Your potted lavenders will need a bit more care in this case. Because the potted ones dry faster. It’s best to get a moisture meter to understand when your lavenders need water (Our pick: Atree Soil Soil Tester Kits with Moisture, Light, and PH Test for Garden).

Water them about every two weeks during summer and spring. But you don’t need to water your outdoor lavenders in the winter at all. Move your potted lavender indoors during winter and water them very little about every 4 weeks.

If you suspect you’ve overwatered them, stop watering for at least three weeks in a row. Because you need to let the soil dry out completely. The lavenders will revive themselves soon. But remember if you continue to overwater your lavender, the lavender will die.

If you are experiencing much rain in your area then move the lavenders under any shade if possible. And always make sure your lavender soil has a good drainage capacity.

2. Too Much Nitrogen

Lavenders are native to the Mediterranean area so they pretty much thrive in poor nutrients 

So, when your lavenders get too much nitrogen from the soil their leaf turns yellow and becomes leggy. It also reduces the number of flowers on the lavender.

Control Measure

Amend the soil with sand or grit. This will help the excess nutrients to leach faster. Avoid using lawn fertilizers that are high in nitrogen. To grow more blooms on your lavender tree apply a blooming fertilizer that’s rich in potassium and phosphorus (our pick: Espoma PT18 Plant Tone).

3. Unsuited Soil

Lavenders are best suited to sandy and quick-draining soil. Moreover, lavender is like neutral or slightly alkaline soil (pH 7-8). When they are planted in compact and acidic soil they cannot uptake nutrients properly. As a result, their leaves turn yellow.

Control Measure

If you think your lavender is in acidic soil then add some garden lime(our pick: Jobe’s Organics Garden Lime) or some wood ash to the soil. But make sure that the wood ashes are away from the plant roots.

In the case of potted lavenders, replant them in a freshly prepared soil mix. Also, make sure the pot has enough drainage holes.

Lavenders don’t like to be in wet soil. So, the soil needs to be well-drained. If you live in a low-lying area then you can create raised beds for your lavenders to avoid water logging problems. Since their roots like to be dry, amend the compact soil by adding some sand.

4. High Humidity

High humidity is another reason why your lavender is turning yellow. As I said, lavender likes a dry environment. So, when it’s in a highly humid condition it produces fewer blooms and its leaves start to turn yellow.

Control Measure

Plant the lavenders 2-3 feet apart from one another to let a good airflow. The breeze will help to dry the leaves. Make sure they are getting full sun for at least 6 hours every day. You can also put pebbles or small stones around them as a ground cover. This will help to prevent weed growth. In the case of indoor potted lavenders, move them outside for sunlight every day. 

5. Root Rot Disease

Lavender is very much susceptible to fungal diseases. The yellowing of the leaf is caused by a fungal disease called phytophthora root rot. This disease is the result of overwatering.

The fungus attacks the root and injures it. As a result, the roots fail to supply proper nutrients and water to the lavender. Hence the leaves start to turn yellow. 

The lavender gets wilted in a severe case of fungal attack. And it does not stop there, the fungus also kills the lavender if left untreated.

Control Measure

To know whether it’s root rot you should uproot the plant and inspect the root. If the roots are black then it’s definitely root rot. In this case, you need to take immediate steps before the plant dies. Pick the best fungicide for your lavenders that will not harm the flower buds (Our Pick: Bonide Copper Fungicide).

Improve drainage so that the root of the lavender is not soggy for much longer. The fungus can spread with water very quickly so clean the garden tools always before and after use. Avoid overhead watering so that the leaves don’t get wet. Water early in the morning so even if the leaves get wet they can dry quickly under the sun.

Choose the right kind of pot for your lavenders with enough drainage holes. Make sure the pot is large enough to let the roots grow. Otherwise, poor root growth will cause the yellowing of leaves. It’s better to use larger pots just to be on the safe side. Because large pots will hold enough sand to supply necessary moisture through the winter.

Try some amazing and easy homemade natural fungicide recipes and apply them to your lavenders.

Recipe 1:-Baking Soda Spray Recipe


  • 2 teaspoons of baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid
  • 2 tablespoons of any cooking oil 
  • 3 liters of water


  • Mix all the ingredients very well. 
  • Pour it into the sprayer.
  • Spray on your lavenders up to twice a week.

#Recipe 2:-Cinnamon Fungicide Recipe


  • 5 Tablespoons of Cinnamon
  • 3 Liters of water


  • Add water and cinnamon together 
  • Shake very well 
  • Let it sit for a few hours
  • Strain the mixture with a fine cheesecloth
  • Put the mixture into a spray bottle
  • Spray it in the lavender plants or you can also pour it on the base of the plant.
  • Apply 1-2 times a week.

#Recipe 3:- Vinegar Spray Recipe


  • 3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar 
  • 3  liters of water
  • Few drops of liquid dishwashing soap


  • Mix the ingredients very well 
  • Apply it on your lavenders twice a week until the problem is solved.

Note: Before applying in bulk, try the recipe on a small leaf to see if it suits the lavender. If the leaf burns then dilute the spray solution with some water and try on another small leaf. If the leaf seems okay after some time then your spray is ready for application


Lavenders are very hardy plants. They survive in arid environments very easily. But when the lavender leaves start turning yellow, it is a reason for great concern.

Examine your lavender plant’s yellow leaves and find out what is behind them with the help of this article. Take proper care of your plant and I hope this article will help you with the necessary information. Always remember that,  if you keep your lavender plant healthy and strong by maintaining the control measures then it’s nothing to worry about and they will recover from the yellowing very easily. 

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